2.Plant Physiology

2.4 Transport of water, minerals and assimilates

Transport of water ,mineral and assimilates

Dr V Malathi

Transport of nutrients, gasses, water, and waste is essential for all living organisms . This is made possible through the process of diffusion in some small plants and animals while carried out by organized  transport systems in larger plants and animals.

The structure of plant roots, stems, and leaves facilitates the transport of water, nutrients, and products of photosynthesis throughout the plant.


The   xylem is the tissue primarily responsible for movement of water and the phloem for the transport of  nutrients and photosynthetic products.

Plants are able to transport water from their roots up to the tips of their tallest shoot through

  •  water potential,
  • evapotranspiration, and
  • stomatal regulation 

As we had discussed about  transpiration and stomatal regulation in previous chapters we will focus on water potential.

Water Transport from Roots to Shoots

Water potential is a measure of the potential energy in water. It is based on potential water movement between two systems. It is the difference in potential energy  at atmospheric pressure and ambient temperature  between any given water sample and pure water .

 Water potential is denoted by the Greek letter Ψ (psi)

and is unit od water potential is megapascals (MPa).

The potential of pure water (Ψpure H2O) is ignored and considered  as zero .

Water potential is calculated using the equation

Ψ system= Ψ total= Ψs + Ψp +Ψg +Ψm

Water potential can be positive or negative,

Ψ system= Ψs + Ψp, where

Ψs = solute potential, and Ψp = pressure potential.

Addition of solutes decreases the water potential and vice- versa.

While addition of pressure increases the water potential and vice-versa.

Water always moves from a region of high to low water potential until equilibrium is reached.

The water potential at a plant’s roots is predicted to be  higher than the water potential in each leaf and the water potential of the lef is predicted to be higher than the water potential in the atmosphere.

This fact enables water to continuously move through the plant from the soil to the air without equilibrating

Mathematically: Ψsoil must be > Ψroot > Ψstem > Ψleaf > Ψatmosphere.


The solute potential (Ψs)

This is also called osmotic potential,

The solute potential of pure water is 0.

Further it is to be recollected that as solute concentration increases the water potential decreases.

The high concentration of solutes in the cytoplasm of the plant cell makes the solute potential of the plant cell to be negative.

Water will move from the soil into a plant’s root cells via osmosis until the water potential in the plant root cells is lower than the water potential of the water in the soil.

Further plants can metabolically change their solute potential by adding or removing  solute molecules to increase water uptake from the soil during drought conditions.

Pressure potential (Ψp)

This is also called turgor potential,

It may be positive or negative.

Positive pressure or compression increases Ψp, while  negative pressure or vacuum decreases Ψp.

The turgor pressure produced because of the rigid cell wall creates positive pressure inside cells and can be as high as  1.5 MPa in a well-watered plant.

Plant cells can modify pressure potential by the process of osmosis and by changing the  Ψs 

If cytoplasmic solute concentration is increased   then Ψs will decline and water will move into the cell by osmosis.

This causes Ψp to increase.

The opening and closing of stomata also regulates Ψp 

When stomata opens  water evaporates from the leaf, reducing Ψp and Ψtotal of the leaf

This increases the water potential difference between the water in the leaf and the petiole and allows the water to flow from the petiole into the leaf.

Movement of Water and Minerals in the Xylem

The water on the surface of mesophyll cells of the leaf  saturates the cellulose microfibrils of the primary cell wall.

The leaf contains many large intercellular air spaces for the exchange of  gases.o

When the wet cell wall is exposed to this leaf internal air space the water on the surface of the cells evaporates into the air spaces,

This decreases the thin film on the surface of the mesophyll cells and creates a tension  on the water in the mesophyll cells thereby increasing the pull on the water in the xylem vessels.

The xylem vessels and tracheids are structurally adapted to cope with large changes in pressure.

Rings in the vessels maintain their tubular shape.

Small perforations between vessel elements reduce the number and size of gas bubbles that can form via a process called cavitation.

The formation of gas bubbles in xylem interrupts the continuous  flow of xylem sap and the the water from base to the top of the plant. This break is termed as embolism.

The taller the tree, the greater the tension forces needed to pull water, and the more cavitation events. In larger trees, the resulting embolisms can plug xylem vessels, making them non-functional.

Transportation of Photosynthates

The products of photosynthesis are called photosynthates, which are usually in the form of simple sugars such as sucrose.

Structures that produce photosynthates for the growing plant are referred to assources.

The sugars produced in sources like leaves are delivered to the growing parts of plants through Phloem by a process called Translocation

These sugars are delivered to required places such as roots, young shoots, and developing seeds. These structures are  called sinks.

Seeds, tubers, and bulbs can be either a source or a sink, depending on the plant’s stage of development and the season.

Translocation: Transport from Source to Sink

The mesophyll cells of photosynthesizing leaves produce sugars /photosynthates such as sucrose.

The phloem then   translocate these to structures where they are used or stored.

The photosynthates move through cytoplasmic channels called plasmodesmata that connect the mesophyll cells and reach phloem sieve-tube elements (STEs) in the vascular bundles.

From the mesophyll cells, the photosynthates are loaded into the phloem STEs through active transport. This is coupled to the uptake of sucrose with a carrier protein called the sucrose-H+ symporter.

Phloem STEs have reduced cytoplasmic contents.

They are  connected by a sieve plate with pores

This facilitates pressure-driven bulk flow, or translocation, of phloem sap.

The energy for STEs are produced through the metabolic activities of companion cells  associated with STEs

Illustration shows phloem, a column-like structure that is composed of stacks of cylindrical cells called sieve-tube elements. Each cell is separated by a sieve-tube plate. The sieve-tube plate has holes in it, like a slice of Swiss cheese. Lateral sieve areas on the side of the column allow different phloem tubes to interact.

“Pholem” by Open Stax is licensed under CC BY 4.0 

The photosynthates are then translocated from the phloem to the nearest sink.The phloem sap is an aqueous solution  containing 30 percent sugar, minerals, amino acids, and plant growth regulatorsThe high percentage of sugar decreases Ψs, This decreases the total water potential .Therefore water to moves by osmosis from the adjacent xylem into the phloem tubes, thereby increasing pressure. This increase in total water potential causes the bulk flow of phloem from source to sink .As the sucrose concentration in the sink cells has been metabolized for growth, or converted to polymers such as starch ( for storage)  or cellulose (for structural integrity) . Unloading at the sink end of the phloem tube occurs by either diffusion or active transport . Water diffuses from the phloem by osmosis and is then transpired or recycled via the xylem back into the phloem sap.Illustration shows the transpiration of water up the tubes of the xylem from a root sink cell. At the same time, sucrose is translocated down the phloem to the root sink cell from a leaf source cell. The sucrose concentration is high in the source cell, and gradually decreases from the source to the root.
“Pholem” by Open Stax is licensed under CC BY 4.0 

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